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Development of this website -

I have taken part in various projects in my life, but the development of my own personal website was the most fulfilling among them all. There were various challenges and learnings, lets start with challenges -

    1. The languages

The most basic challenge the I face was the languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript. I had worked with some HTML in my school days, which, to be honest helped me enormously during the project. I was already familiar with the syntax, furthermore, I was also familiar with CSS because some of my friends have done some work with it. But, the most daunting language to learn for me was Javascript, although only at the start, since I haven't work with it in the past

    2. Managing work

Although I had contributed to various project on github, also on college in the past but managing the whole work was foreign concept to me. However, in this project I have to manage my whole work, like the changes to make, the decision making was completely on my hands, from which I learnt various important managing skills.

    3. Hosting website

Hosting a website is a task which has intimated me since a very long time, I had expected it to be very lengthy and time taking process. But as I looked for some tuorials, it seemed a piece of cake and it went smoothly. Thanks to Github pages, due to which the hosting was done with few steps only and the website was good to go.

There were far more learning than challenges during the completion of the project.Talking about me, I acqired the following skills while working on the project -

    1. Responsibility

Since I was my own manager, so if anything unplanned happens, so there was no one to blame but me, which taught me to take responsibility for my actions. There were time when I just needed someone to blame to, but there wasn't any so, at last I was the one who has to take responsibility for the error

    2. Using StackOverflow

There were time when I was stuck somewhere and was able to plan nothing beneath, so I have to look for answers on the internet, which made me familiar to StackOverflow and I realised it's true potential. Also, I realised the importance of learning in public. In addition, I also started writing answers at StackOverflow.

    3. Knowledge of programming languages

You must be thinking, why I have placed this at the third spot, this is definitely not because I consider the knowledge of prgramming languages of less importance, this is just because I consider the other two skills more important in the life of a programmer.
Now, coming back to topic, during the project I learnt the languages like HTML, CSS and Javascript, which, in addition to the functionality, also provided me the necessary confidence to learn another programming languages as well.